DJ Services
It is my passion (Music, Technology and Sound).
Yeah, mixing is important but timing is crucial. A great music collection is almost the ultimate but using it at the right time is major and definitely a level of technical knowledge will get you through many sticky situations.
Timing, a DJ can have the best equipment and still ruin a party by playing the right song at the wrong time. It is not just about timing the bars but also acknowledging the songs to play all through the evening.
Energy management is another way of managing the crowd strength in order to keep them on the dance-floor for a longer period of time. We are experienced in playing both fast and slow songs in order to manage the energy level of the crowd so the the DJ does not burn-out on music and crowd does not burn-out on energy.
Humility; this to me is the absolute opposite of arrogance, I do not act like I know it all because a single song request can make or ruin the party. I listen, reason and decide whether to play it or not depending on the vibe I am currently getting.
Pure, blind faith this is simple, we go to every event not knowing what to expect but experience over the years helps to read and understand the crowd and how to manage the songs comes after that.
-DJ Tallest